The wind blew violently while I sat in class. My attention could not stay fixed on the piece of rib cage in front of me. It sat loosely in my hand and my eyes drifted out the window. The trees bent, strained against the pressure of the wind from the east. The air was very still in the lab room. It smelled faintly of formaldehyde from the previous lab. The false rib clattered to the bench and brought me back into the room. The TA looked up from her book for a moment and then back again. I couldn't be compelled to sit in the room any longer. I packed away my books, returned the bones to their appropriate drawers and headed to the door. I found my way through the maze of halls to the exit and braced myself for the wind. It seemed that the wind had grown tired in the time I had been in class though, because, as I stepped outside, it gave a final, vindictive gust. There was a girl sitting alone directly across from where I stood. She wore big sunglasses and had long dark hair which, when the last bit of wind hit her, whipped around before falling gently around her face. She sat, statue-like, on the bench, staring determinedly ahead. I felt like she looked straight at me with intent. I wondered what eyes hid behind the glasses, and what provoked the shape of her lips. Why her dark hair looked so beautiful and soft. I stood there for a moment, looking at the girl. The image stuck in my memory long after we both had parted. The beautiful girl with windswept hair.
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