I can still hear the breeze in the trees and the swell of the waves at the bay as I sit at my desk now. A new desk. A new city. I've never been away from home for this impending amount of time before now, but I am oddly at peace. Calmness has settled after unpacking everything and sorting it all out just as it should be. Books, movies and music, all arranged to my liking. I feel safe and warm. Besides a stunning lack of decoration on the cream coloured walls, I feel at home. Planes roar above me as they fly in and out of Pearson International. It sort of reminds me of the rail yards I lived near until now. The industrial sound is soothing.
I worked my last day at the retail store last monday and began packing the next day. By the first I was on a campsite on the Bruce Peninsula, pitching a tent as the damp, warm smell of the forest enveloped me. I always find it cleansing to go camping for a few days up there. Sitting by the lake or hiking along the bay on the Bruce Trail is like the ultimate cleanse program. You're body reboots. You're mind gets a healthy rest from the world and you're soul feels light again. Standing on a cliff, overlooking Georgian Bay with it's dramatic, perfect blue water, a deep breath goes deeper, making you feel brand new. There really isn't anything like it. And it comes highly recommended by my family and I. You should try it.
Now I'm in Toronto. My favourite city in the world. When I look at the glow over downtown at night, I feel like I'm being hugged by a dear old friend. My tenuous grasp on the social medium seems to matter less here. I don't need to be anyone but me because in a city this big, there's bound to be others. Others who like to sit back and watch, dipping their hands in once in a while to see how it feels. In this sea of people, I never feel lost. I feel like I fit.
Getting used to things.
Listening to Schubert.
Best Wishes,
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