Friday, June 25, 2010

For the Love of Light Pollution

My efforts to fight sleep depravation continue to be thwarted.
Work in a few hours.
Listening to Zeus. Not the god, but still pretty awesome.

I went to a concert in Toronto the other day. I won't talk about the concert though, because I could say enough positive things to raise the Titanic from its murky grave and power the thing to shore - or make my fingers cramp up and freeze my computer.

How could I possibly describe my love for Toronto? I haven't a clue where it came from, but I've never felt so strongly about a place in my life. Bad neighbourhoods or good, industrial or metropolitan; the city draws me in seductively. I live to wander the streets and get lost amongst the crowds. It tears my heart to bits when I'm pulled away again. Like a lover, I crave the air it breathes. To share a night is divine and to be ripped away along the tracks is hellish and agonizing. I'm forced to say a tearful goodbye to city I love. I will return, but for now, as a token of my love, I leave my voice, my promise and my soul. Hold my dear possessions in you're concrete grip and keep them safe. As the lights disappear from my vision, the image is burned into my mind; flawed and perfect. Not much longer now.

Wanting to paint, but need a new red. Must remember to visit the shop.


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